Can You Have A Roof Decking Repair?

Recognizing the functions of each of your roofing system’s layers is a critical thing to do. Keep in mind that your roof is more than just a covering— its components are specifically designed for a particular purpose. For example, your roof decking. This is located right between the trusses and your shingles. It forms the connecting layer between the two components, and is responsible for anchoring your shingles and the fastening down nails securely. 

Do Solar Roof Panels Heat Up Your Roof?

Whether it’s for residential or commercial roofing, when a company installs solar panels, it is certain that it was done to boost energy efficiency. Solar roofing is known to produce electricity without greenhouse emissions, which makes it an ideal option for those who wish to make their place more sustainable. To understand more about it and to learn whether it heats up your roof, read this article as your guide. 

Does It Makes Sense To Have Your Home Inspected Before Selling It?

It is often said that first impressions last and this statement also makes sense for your property. It can be noted that a home’s curb appeal can help clinch a sale. This means it has to be well-maintained and fully functional and it’s best to have your roof first checked. Homeowners are always urged to make necessary repairs or replacements for this feature and your trusted roofing contractor will explain here why.